Ubuntu – How to convert an ogv file to mp4


I created a screencast using recordmydesktop which produed a .ogv file. I believe this is an OGG file encoded using the Theora codec. I'm wondering, how can I convert this to MPEG4/H.264? I've tried to use ffmpeg in a naive way, as follows:

ffmpeg -i demo.ogv -f mp4 demo.mp4

However, this produces an evil blob of dark greens and grays when trying to play it again in mplayer. I then tried to get more sophisticated, using the command-line flags specified here: Converting a video file in arbitrary file format into MPEG4/H.264?

ffmpeg -i demo.ogv \
       -s 352x288 -vcodec libx264 -vpre default \
       -acodec libmp3lame -ab 192k -ac 2 -ar 44100 -f mp4 \

But, the result was the same.

If anyone has any insight into what might be the best way to accomplish this task, I'd appreciate it if you could let me know.

Best Answer

Arista Transcoder Install Arista Transcoder

or from command line

sudo apt-get install arista -y

You can use this software, that I always use and I think it's really good. To convert an ogv file to mp4 you should choose any Sony device.

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