Drivers – How to Configure Brother DCP-7030 Scanner


Can I install my scanner drivers through wine, using the windows driver cd packaged with my scanner?

I am using the Brother DCP-7030 Scanner and my system is running Ubuntu 11.10.
I need help to set up scanning.

I am running Ubuntu 11.10 on Mac using Virtual Box.

Best Answer

It is not advisable that you use wine to install drivers for any hardware, as they won't be properly integrated into ubuntu.

However here is a step by step guide to get the drivers working (if you're on an 64-bit system):

First unplug your printer.

Open a terminal and copy&paste the following commands

sudo apt-get remove brother-lpr-drivers-laser brother-cups-wrapper-laser

(removes any existing drivers that could cause conflict)

sudo apt-get install --reinstall cups csh lib32stdc++6

(reinstalling dependencies)

sudo mkdir -p /var/spool/lpd/
sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/cups/model/

(make directories for the drivers)

mkdir -p ~/Downloads/brother/
cd ~/Downloads/brother/

(make download location)


(download drivers)

sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture brdcp7030lpr-2.0.2-1.i386.deb
sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture cupswrapperDCP7030-2.0.2-1.i386.deb

(install and configure driver packages)

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapper* /usr/lib64/cups/filter/

(link driver files)

plug in your printer now and proceed with the installation process from 'System Settings' -> 'Printers'

To enable scanning:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall sane-utils xsane xsane-common

Download Scanner drivers from brother home page (64-bit):


plug in and turn on your scanner open a terminal and type

sudo dpkg -i --force-all ~/Downloads/brscan3-0.2.11-4.amd64.deb

(for 64-bit)

sudo dpkg -i --force-all ~/Downloads/brscan3-0.2.11-4.i386.deb

(for 32-bit)

check if it installed correctly

dpkg  -l  |  grep  Brother

output should look something like this:

ii  brdcp7030lpr:i386       2.0.2-1         Brother DCP-7030 LPR driver 
ii  cupswrapperdcp7030:i386       2.0.2-1         Brother DCP7030 CUPS wrapper driver

Finally type

sudo gedit /lib/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules

and at the following text right before this line (pretty far down at the bottom)

'# The following rule will disable USB autosuspend for the device'

Text to add:

# Brother scanners
ATTRS{idVendor}=="04f9", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes"

Restart the computer now and it should work.