Ubuntu – How to completely remove elementary OS (Ubuntu 18.04)


So, I installed Ubuntu 18.04 with gnome3 and then lured by the prettiness of elementary OS 5.0, I installed that as per the instructions. Now, I have purged all the PPAs as suggested by this or other answers here. However, I still get elementary os screen at the boot and when I see the about in gnome UI.

Cosmetics is not much of a problem for me but when I am trying to upgrade from 18.04 to 18.10, I am not receiving any update when I do sudo do-release-upgrade -d or sudo do-release-upgrade.

How do I completely restore my gnome? or more directly How do I move to 18.10?

Output of dpkg -l | grep -i elementary is

ii  base-files                                      10.1ubuntu2.3+elementary12~ubuntu18.04.1       amd64        Debian base system miscellaneous files
ii  bash                                            4.4.18-2ubuntu1+elementary3~ubuntu5.0.1        amd64        GNU Bourne Again SHell
ii  browser-plugin-evince                           3.28.2-1+elementary2~ubuntu5.0.1               amd64        plugin for web browsers to display documents (PostScript, PDF, …)
ii  desktop-file-utils                              0.23-1ubuntu3.18.04.1+elementary2~ubuntu5.0.1  amd64        Utilities for .desktop files
rc  elementary-default-settings                     5.0-0~304~ubuntu5.0.1                          all          Default settings for elementary OS
rc  elementary-icon-theme                           4.4.0+r2076~ubuntu5.0.1                        all          simple and appealing Tango-styled icon theme
ii  epiphany-browser                                3.28.1-1ubuntu1+elementary20~ubuntu5.0.1       amd64        Intuitive GNOME web browser
ii  epiphany-browser-data                           3.28.1-1ubuntu1+elementary20~ubuntu5.0.1       all          Data files for the GNOME web browser
ii  evince                                          3.28.2-1+elementary2~ubuntu5.0.1               amd64        Document (PostScript, PDF) viewer
ii  evince-common                                   3.28.2-1+elementary2~ubuntu5.0.1               all          Document (PostScript, PDF) viewer - common files
ii  file-roller                                     3.28.0-1ubuntu1+elementary4~ubuntu5.0.1        amd64        archive manager for GNOME
rc  fonts-croscore-config-elementary                5.0-0+33~ubuntu5.0.1                           all          Map open-source Croscore fonts to MS fonts
ii  geoclue-2.0                                     2.4.7-1ubuntu1+elementary2+r2~ubuntu5.0.1      amd64        geoinformation service
ii  gir1.2-evince-3.0:amd64                         3.28.2-1+elementary2~ubuntu5.0.1               amd64        GObject introspection data for the evince libraries
ii  gir1.2-geoclue-2.0:amd64                        2.4.7-1ubuntu1+elementary2+r2~ubuntu5.0.1      amd64        convenience library to interact with geoinformation service (introspection)
ii  gir1.2-gnomebluetooth-1.0:amd64                 3.28.0-2+elementary2~ubuntu5.0.1               amd64        Introspection data for GnomeBluetooth
ii  gir1.2-gtksource-3.0:amd64                      3.24.7-1+elementary5~ubuntu5.0.1               amd64        gir files for the GTK+ syntax highlighting widget
ii  gir1.2-ibus-1.0:amd64                           1.5.17-3ubuntu4+elementary2+r1~ubuntu5.0.1     amd64        Intelligent Input Bus - introspection data
ii  gir1.2-nmgtk-1.0:amd64                          1.8.10-2ubuntu1+elementary2~ubuntu18.04.1      amd64        GObject introspection data for libnm-gtk
ii  gnome-settings-daemon                           3.28.1-0ubuntu1+elementary3~ubuntu5.0.1        amd64        daemon handling the GNOME session settings
ii  gnome-settings-daemon-schemas                   3.28.1-0ubuntu1+elementary3~ubuntu5.0.1        all          Shared schemas for gnome-settings-daemon
ii  ibus                                            1.5.17-3ubuntu4+elementary2+r1~ubuntu5.0.1     amd64        Intelligent Input Bus - core
ii  ibus-gtk:amd64                                  1.5.17-3ubuntu4+elementary2+r1~ubuntu5.0.1     amd64        Intelligent Input Bus - GTK+2 support
ii  ibus-gtk3:amd64                                 1.5.17-3ubuntu4+elementary2+r1~ubuntu5.0.1     amd64        Intelligent Input Bus - GTK+3 support
rc  io.elementary.cerbere                           0.2.4+r70-0+pkg30~ubuntu5.0.1                  amd64        service to relaunch Pantheon shell components
rc  io.elementary.dpms-helper                       1.0+r8+pkg11~ubuntu5.0.1                       all          script and settings for X DPMS
ii  language-selector-common                        0.188.1+elementary4~ubuntu18.04.1              all          Language selector for Ubuntu
ii  language-selector-gnome                         0.188.1+elementary4~ubuntu18.04.1              all          Language selector for Ubuntu
ii  libevdocument3-4:amd64                          3.28.2-1+elementary2~ubuntu5.0.1               amd64        Document (PostScript, PDF) rendering library
ii  libevview3-3:amd64                              3.28.2-1+elementary2~ubuntu5.0.1               amd64        Document (PostScript, PDF) rendering library - Gtk+ widgets
ii  libgeoclue-2-0:amd64                            2.4.7-1ubuntu1+elementary2+r2~ubuntu5.0.1      amd64        convenience library to interact with geoinformation service
ii  libgnome-bluetooth13:amd64                      3.28.0-2+elementary2~ubuntu5.0.1               amd64        GNOME Bluetooth tools - support library
ii  libgtksourceview-3.0-1:amd64                    3.24.7-1+elementary5~ubuntu5.0.1               amd64        shared libraries for the GTK+ syntax highlighting widget
ii  libgtksourceview-3.0-common                     3.24.7-1+elementary5~ubuntu5.0.1               all          common files for the GTK+ syntax highlighting widget
ii  libibus-1.0-5:amd64                             1.5.17-3ubuntu4+elementary2+r1~ubuntu5.0.1     amd64        Intelligent Input Bus - shared library
ii  libibus-1.0-dev:amd64                           1.5.17-3ubuntu4+elementary2+r1~ubuntu5.0.1     amd64        Intelligent Input Bus - development file
ii  libnm-gtk0:amd64                                1.8.10-2ubuntu1+elementary2~ubuntu18.04.1      amd64        library for wireless and mobile dialogs (libnm-glib version)
ii  libnma0:amd64                                   1.8.10-2ubuntu1+elementary2~ubuntu18.04.1      amd64        library for wireless and mobile dialogs (libnm version)
ii  lsb-base                                        9.20170808ubuntu1+elementary4~ubuntu18.04.1    all          Linux Standard Base init script functionality
ii  lsb-release                                     9.20170808ubuntu1+elementary4~ubuntu18.04.1    all          Linux Standard Base version reporting utility
ii  mutter-common                                   3.28.3-2~ubuntu18.04.1+elementary3~ubuntu5.0.1 all          shared files for the Mutter window manager
ii  network-manager-gnome                           1.8.10-2ubuntu1+elementary2~ubuntu18.04.1      amd64        network management framework (GNOME frontend)
rc  plank                                           0.11.4+git20180707.0a842b45-0elementary0.5.1   amd64        Elegant, simple, clean dock
ii  python-apt-common                               1.6.2+elementary6~ubuntu5.0.1                  all          Python interface to libapt-pkg (locales)
ii  python3-apt                                     1.6.2+elementary6~ubuntu5.0.1                  amd64        Python 3 interface to libapt-pkg
ii  python3-cupshelpers                             1.5.11-1ubuntu2+elementary2~ubuntu5.0.1        all          Python utility modules around the CUPS printing system
ii  python3-software-properties                    all          manage the repositories that you install software from
ii  software-properties-common                     all          manage the repositories that you install software from (common)
ii  software-properties-gtk                        all          manage the repositories that you install software from (gtk)
ii  system-config-printer                           1.5.11-1ubuntu2+elementary2~ubuntu5.0.1        all          graphical interface to configure the printing system
ii  system-config-printer-common                    1.5.11-1ubuntu2+elementary2~ubuntu5.0.1        all          backend and the translation files for system-config-printer
ii  system-config-printer-gnome                     1.5.11-1ubuntu2+elementary2~ubuntu5.0.1        all          graphical interface to configure printers (transitional package)
ii  system-config-printer-udev                      1.5.11-1ubuntu2+elementary2~ubuntu5.0.1        amd64        Utilities to detect and configure printers automatically
rc  unattended-upgrades                             1.1ubuntu1.18.04.5+elementary5~ubuntu5.0.1     all          automatic installation of security upgrades
ii  xdg-user-dirs                                   0.17-1ubuntu1+elementary2~ubuntu5.0.1          amd64        tool to manage well known user directories
ii  xdg-user-dirs-gtk                               0.10-2+elementary2~ubuntu5.0.1                 amd64        tool to manage well known user directories (Gtk extension)

Best Answer

It is bad idea do upgrade from LTS to non-LTS version. You will need to wait for 20.04 LTS with all possible stops as 19.04 and 19.10. Consider to stay on 18.04 LTS.

If you have added elementary by PPAs, then you can remove them with commands below:

sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
sudo ppa-purge ppa:elementary-os/daily
sudo ppa-purge ppa:elementary-os/os-patches
sudo ppa-purge ppa:elementary-os/stable
sudo ppa-purge ppa:elementary-os/staging
sudo ppa-purge ppa:elementary-os/testing

then reinstall GNOME Shell with

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

As we have the output of dpkg -l | grep -i elementary then I can suggest two things:

1. Purge remaining packages with rc state (with remaining config files):

sudo apt-get purge $(dpkg -l | grep -i elementary | grep ^rc | awk '{print $2}')

2. Reinstall packages with elementary versions from current repositories:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall $(dpkg -l | grep -i elementary | grep ^ii | awk '{print $2}')
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