How to Completely Remove Dropbox Daemon


I installed the DropBox daemon following these instructions with:

cd ~ && wget -O - "" | tar xzf -

But now I have found out that there is a more proper way of installing it through their official repository and APT. So how can I fully remove the version that I installed? I am running Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 with GNOME 3.20.

Best Answer

You will need to delete the files unpacked from the tar archive into $HOME. They'll probably be in a single directory, though that depends on how Dropbox made the tar file. Either way, they'll all be in your $HOME directory.

However, executing the daemon may have created some config files or other odds and ends. Your might run a find $HOME -iname *dropbox* and see if anything turns up. (Sounds like it may create a ~/.dropbox and a ~/.dropbox-dist)

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