Ubuntu – How to compile Vim with GUI


I want to learn how to compile vim from the sources, because there are some additions that I want to add, and learn how to deal with this situations, but until now I didn't have success doing it, I can compile vim, but without its GUI

I think it's a dependencies problem, but I can't figure out which packages I have to install, what are the dependencies to compile vim with its gui?

I found an article about how to compile gvim, but I don't have the packages for install in my ubuntu 10.10 repositories, I hope to find some help with this


Best Answer

Generally you can use the "build-dep" command of "apt-get" to fetch dependencies to a package. Use it like this:

sudo apt-get build-dep [package name]

Or more specifically for gvim:

sudo apt-get build-dep vim-gnome

After that you should be able to compile gvim/vim either without further intervention or with only small set of dependencies to resolve required by a newer version of gvim/vim that you are compiling.

As Marius noted one such dependency resolution is installing libssl-dev manually:

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
