Ubuntu – How to change user from command line

command linelubuntuopenbox

I'm in Lubuntu with Openbox as DE. When I press the power button, a window pops up and displays multiple options: logout, hibernate, sleep, change user etc.

However, sometimes nothing happens when I press this button. I supose that all these actions can be achieved via the command line. For example I can suspend with pm-suspend.

What is the command used to return to the login screen/display manager to change users? I am not interested in actually changing my user, I just want to login again. I do this to fix a problem with the mouse cursor.

What is the name of the default application that is lauched when a user presses the power button in Lubuntu?

Best Answer

This also works in Lubuntu 15.04 with LightDM as display manager:

dm-tool switch-to-greeter