Ubuntu – How to change the framerate of a video without reencoding

avconvvideovideo conversion

I'm trying to change the framerate of an MP4 video (it's a 120fps GoPro video, I want to play it back at 30fps for a slow-motion effect).

I'm using avconv for this:

avconv -i SourceMovie.mp4 -vf setpts=4.0*PTS -r 30 DestMovie.mp4

That technically works, but it reencodes the movie. In addition to being slow, it's obviously a quality issue. Technically there should be a way to just set the fps in the header of video, how can I change that? (Any tool other than avconv would work too.)

Best Answer

MP4Box can do it.

The command

MP4Box -add SourceMovie.mp4#video -raw 1 -new test

creates the files test and test_track1.h264. You can now create an mp4 file with whichever supported framerate you would like (30 in this example):

MP4Box -add test_track1.h264:fps=30 -new DestMovie.mp4

MP4Box is part of the gpac package, so make sure it's installed.

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