Terminal – How to Change Font of Various Terminal Emulators

command linecustomizationfonts


  • Gnome Terminal
  • Xfce Terminal
  • Konsole
  • LXTerminal
  • Terminator
  • Guake
  • Yakuake
  • Urxvt
  • Xterm
  • Mrxvt

Best Answer

Gnome Terminal:

  • Open Gnome Terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T.
  • Go to: EditProfile Preferences.
  • In the profile window under General tab uncheck ☐ Use the system fixed width font.
  • Click on font selection button and choose your desired font from resulting dialog. Gnome Terminal

Xfce Terminal Emulator:

  • Open Xfce Terminal: Hit Alt+F2, type xfce4-terminal and hit Enter.
  • Go to: EditPreferences
  • In preferences window under Appearance tab click on font selection button and choose your desired font from resulting dialog. Xfce Terminal Emulator


  • Open Konsole: Hit Alt+F2, type konsole and hit Enter.
  • Go to: SettingsConfigure Konsole.
  • In the profile window under Appearance tab click on Select Font button and choose your desired font from resulting dialog. Konsole


  • Open LXTerminal: Hit Alt+F2, type lxterminal and hit Enter.
  • Go to: EditPreferences.
  • In the resulting window under Style tab click on font selection button and choose your desired font from resulting dialog. LXTerminal


  • Open Terminator: Hit Alt+F2, type terminator and hit Enter.
  • Right click on terminal window, in the resulting menu click on Preferences.
  • In Preferences window go to Profiles tab, under General tab uncheck ☐ Use the system fixed width font.
  • Click on font selection button and choose your desired font from resulting dialog. Terminator


  • Open Guake preferences: Hit Alt+F2 and type guake-prefs and hit Enter.
  • In preferences window under Appearance tab uncheck ☐ Use the system fixed width font.
  • Click on Font selection button and choose your desired font from resulting dialog. enter image description here


  • Open Yakuake: Hit Alt+F2, type yakuake and hit Enter.
  • Hit F12 or whatever key you've set to bring Yakuake forward.
  • Right click on terminal window, in the resulting menu click on Edit Current Profile....
  • In the profile window under Appearance tab click on Select Font button and choose your desired font from resulting dialog. enter image description here

Terminals listed below doesn't provide GUI to change font. You can use Font Viewer to view and choose the font. Top open Font Viewer go to Unity dash by hitting Super and search for font viewer.


  • Open ~/.Xresources in your favorite editor:

    gedit ~/.Xresources

    For Urxvt add:

    URxvt*.font: xft:Source\ Code\ Pro:Regular:size=10

    For Xterm add:

    Xterm*.font: xft:Source\ Code\ Pro:Regular:size=10

    Change Source\ Code\ Pro with the font you want to apply. Change Regular with font style you want to use, like: Bold, Italic, Bold\ Italic. Set the size to your desired font size.


  • Open the ~/.mrxvt file in your favorite editor:

    gedit ~/.mrxvt

    and add following lines to it:

    Mrxvt.xft:              1
    Mrxvt.xftFont:          Source\ Code\ Pro
    Mrxvt.xftSize:          13
    Mrxvt.xftAntialias:     1