Ubuntu – How to change the default shell used in Byobu (tmux)


I've become addicted to Byobu and I've recently shifted from bash to zsh; Now I want to combine the two, however I have a one initial pre-requisite:

I cannot make zsh the default shell for my user as it's a shared account and the rest of the team aren't as zsh happy as I am – That rules out the 'chsh -s /bin/zsh' option.

So, I discovered you can set a default-shell for tmux (which should follow across to byobu right?). That would be perfect as I'm also the only one really using Byobu on the server.

Problem is, I can't work out where to enable this option in the confusion of config files that's created in the tmux/byobu mix.

Any hints?

Best Answer

Put the following in your $HOME/.byobu/.tmux.conf:

set -g default-shell /usr/bin/zsh
set -g default-command /usr/bin/zsh

Full disclosure: I'm the author and maintainer of Byobu.