How to Change Default Terminal for Executing .desktop Files

bashcommand linedesktopvim

I've been trying to execute vim with alacritty as default. I have alacritty set as my default terminal emulator already, and in my vim.desktop I changed exec=vim %F with exec=alacritty -e vim %F. The problem is that when I open a file it first executes the command in gnome terminal and then launches vim in alacritty, the thing is that the gnome terminal stays open. I have also tried creating an script:

alacritty -e vim & disown | exit

this does not work at all. I don't know what else to do and I cant find anything online. Thanks in advance!

Is it possible to change the default terminal that runs the Exec= command? so that just by writing Exec=vim %F would run it in alacritty

Best Answer

muru helped me clarify what was going on, thank you! The problem was that my .desktop file:

[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Text Editor
Comment=Edit text files
Comment[es]=Edita archivos de texto
Exec=alacritty -e vim %F

Had the argument Terminal=true. What this does is that it executes the Exec= command in a terminal, opening a terminal to do so. If you set Terminal=false this will prevent any terminal from opening and it will just execute the command without opening the terminal.