Ubuntu – How to build vim with gui option from sources


I'm having a hard time building a VIM 7.4(obtained from vim's ftp site) with gui option. It builds ok without the gui
option. Here's how I'm doing it:

cd ~/Downloads/vim74/src
./configure --enable-gui

The above line does not seem to work because I get this output from the command:

./configure --enable-gui | grep gui
checking --enable-gui argument... no GUI support

I uncommented line 352 of the makefile to enable the gui(I think):

CONF_OPT_GUI = --enable-gui=gtk2

But when I run vim -g(after rebuilding) I get:

E25: GUI cannot be used: Not enabled at compile time

There's a suggestion in the makefile to check the generated auto/config.h and
auto/config.mk files but the files are empty(less than 10 lines).
How do you fix this?

Best Answer

To build Vim you will need first to install all the dependencies. This could be done using

$ sudo apt-get build-dep vim-gtk # or vim-gnome, if you prefer.

This will download and install a lot of packages that should only be needed to compile Vim. If you don't want to keep them, before running that command add this to /etc/apt/apt.conf

  Get {
     Build-Dep-Automatic "true";

This will make all the packages installed with build-dep be "marked to be autoremoved". So after you finished compiling Vim you can uninstall them using sudo apt-get autoremove.

After this, just proceed with the usual steps:

$ ./configure --with-gui=gtk2 # or gnome
$ make -j 4
$ sudo make install