Ubuntu – How to build Nautilus 3.70/3.80 from source


I've upgraded nautilus on my PC to 3.60 with the nice sidebar, but I'm finding the lack of recursive search difficult. I've downloaded Nautilus 3.7.5 and 3.7.1 which have replaced the recursive search but it wont compile. Lots of missing package errors.

I was surfing on my ipad while out and I came across a page that listed all the ubuntu dependencies for Nautilus 3.7.x and foolishly forgot to bookmark it.

Rather than painstakingly ./configure ing multiple times and installing the lib#### files one by one after a cache search does anyone either know a better way or where I could find that list of dependencies again. Thanks.

This is one of the messages from one of the packages that is missing. libtracker-sparql-0.14 is the latest in the ubuntu repositories and tracker-0.15 is the latest in the gnome git repository. I'm okay with downloading that one and trying to install it but would like to put a list together of all the dependencies or find one if someone has already done so, so that this can be installed easily.

configure: WARNING: 'missing' script is too old or missing
configure: error: Package requirements (tracker-sparql-0.16) were not met:

No package 'tracker-sparql-0.16' found

Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
installed software in a non-standard prefix.

Alternatively, you may set the environment variables TRACKER_CFLAGS
and TRACKER_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
See the pkg-config man page for more details.

the base dependencies are listed on the following page

gnome nautilus developer page

Best Answer


The install notes, referenced in the README text of the nautilus 3.8 version source-code. It lists dependencies, and gives installation instructions.

You may want to read the README file in the source code folder.