Ubuntu – How to browse by albumartist with rhythmbox or any other gnome musicplayer


Rhythmbox offers (as it should by now!) the metatag "albumartist" in addition to "artist".
But I don't see any way to browse by this property.

The offered views are:
Browse by "artist – album", "genres – artist", "genre – artist – album".

How can another view like "genre – albumartist – album" be added?
(this is the way itunes sorts, makes a lot of sense if you have about 220 compilation albums with a lot of "one hit wonder"-artists!)

Can't be that difficult, can it?

In case it's impossible, – is it possible to completely replace rhythmbox with another application that's able to do the above (which one?)?

thx for reading,

Best Answer

This is a bug in Rhythmbox.

As for alternatives, BansheeInstall Banshee is very popular, so you could give this a try. I don't use it so I can't give you my experience of it but I hear it has the feature you want.

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