Ubuntu – How to browse by album art in rhythmbox


How do I browse album covers in Rhythmbox?

I'm looking for how to browse album art in newer versions of Rhythmbox

I tried Rhythmarty plug in but I think it's very old so it can't be used, it does not appear on the plug in list.

Other options require gnome 2 and I use Gnome-Shell.

Best Answer

12.04 and later

Browse your coverart albums in Rhythmbox v2.96 and later


first the disclaimer - I am the co-author to this plugin!

How it works:

  • Click the new CoverArt source button (left hand side of screen)
  • Albums are displayed as clickable buttons containing their album cover
  • Right click menu option to play, queue & search for cover art for an album.


  • to search for missing covers


  • locale support is also available to display text in your native language - more details on how to help with the translation is on GitHub.

For full instructions see the projects Wiki:

For instructions on how to download great coverart:

how to install

The installation instructions cover the installation of each individual plugin. If you prefer a PPA method skip to the bottom:

for rhythmbox 2.96 to 2.99.1:

sudo apt-get install git gettext python-mako python-lxml

for rhythmbox 3.0 or compiled from git:

sudo apt-get install git gettext python3-mako python3-lxml

Then install the coverart browser plugin for rhythmbox version 2.96 to 2.99.1:

rm -rf ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/plugins/coverart_browser
git clone https://github.com/fossfreedom/coverart-browser.git
cd coverart-browser

To install the coverart browser plugin for rhythmbox version 3.0 and later:

rm -rf ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/plugins/coverart_browser
git clone https://github.com/fossfreedom/coverart-browser.git
cd coverart-browser
./install.sh --rb3

To install the coverart search-providers plugin for rhythmbox 2.96 - 2.99:

sudo apt-get install git gettext python-mako python-mutagen python-requests

for rhythmbox 3.0 or compiled from git:

sudo apt-get install git gettext python3-mako python3-requests

Then install the coverart search-providers plugin:

rm -rf ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/plugins/coverart_search_providers
git clone https://github.com/fossfreedom/coverart-search-providers.git
cd coverart-search-providers

For rhythmbox 2.96 to 2.99:


For rhythmbox 3.0 or compiled from git:

./install.sh --rb3

Alternative installation - I've added this to my Rhythmbox PPA: