Unity – How to Bring Gnome Sticky Note Back in Unity


If I'm right, panel applet is no longer supported in Unity.
How can I bring sticky notes back?
Is there any application or AppIndicator that has the same functionality (like show all notes when logged in)?

Not tomboy please :), I don't like its interface.

Best Answer

Indicator-stickynotes is maybe the applet your looking for !

Written in Python, and using GTK 3 library. Current version is 0.3, but works well. You'll have to add this ppa to enjoy this application :

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:umang/indicator-stickynotes
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install indicator-stickynotes

enter image description here

  • You can lock/unlock, hide/unhide your notes from the panel.
  • Change notes color
  • Create as many post-it as you want

See here to run indicator-stickynotes on startup.