Ubuntu – How to boot into recovery mode if it hangs booting single user


How can I boot into recovery mode if it hangs booting into single user mode?

I am trying to boot into "recovery mode" or any single user mode, but upstart is trying to start modem-manager no matter what. It says "modem-manager could not connect to system bus" and sits there retrying, forever.

Can I boot into single user mode and tell upstart to NOT try starting the modem?

Can I boot single user and tell upstart to start a shell after drives are mounted? Thanks for any help in advance…

UPDATE: I was able to use the grub init=/bin/bash trick to get a command prompt on booting. From there I was able to apt-get purge modemmanager. But I still get an error about can't connect to system bus and a hang. Is there a way to put upstart into extra verbose mode so I can see what is causing the hang?

Best Answer

After a lot of Googling the different terms, I found a post that may solve your problem also.

For me that was a bug for Ubuntu 11.10. Take a look at this post for solution. And to repeat the solution here:

  1. Hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 at the blank screen to get you to a non-X terminal (tty1)
  2. Login in with your username and password
  3. Change to root with: sudo -i and enter your password
  4. mkdir -p /run /run/lock
  5. rm -rf /var/run /var/lock
  6. ln -s /run /var
  7. ln -s /run/lock /var
  8. Reboot