I am unable to boot from USB/CD into a live Ubuntu session to proceed with install. Esc or F12 didn't work and I can't seem to be able to enter the bios settings.
Sony Vaio S w/ Ivy Bridge (just one month old, Insyde H2O EFI?)
I have read about:
creating /EFI/boot on a fat16 stick
http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=12071096&postcount=2 -
installing rEFInd
using the Alternate install CD (supposedly in order not to mess with W7 UEFI boot partition)
It's pretty clear what I have to do afterwards
but I am at loss on how to simply boot into a Live Session then install.
Thank you
Best Answer
Long press F11 on startup until the VAIO logo disappears. At least this worked for me with a new (July 2012) VAIO S1511 and an Ubuntu 12.04 Live/Installer installation on an USB memory stick.