Minimal CD ISO – How to Boot Minimal CD ISO from USB Stick and Use Wireless Driver


I am trying to install Ubuntu 11 x64 minimal but I found that I dont have a wired ethernet connection (its broken) but I can possibly connect wirelessly.

Is it possible to use the minimal CD image and add the wireless driver?

In addition, I dont have an external CD Drive – will I be able to boot the minimal CD ISO from a USB drive?

Wireless is Intel Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN

Best Answer

The minimal CD ISO cannot be installed via the StartUp Disk Creator that comes as standard with Ubuntu.

However, you can download and install unetbootin from the software centre and install the minimal CD as per this picture

enter image description here

If the installation doesnt work because the wireless is not recognised, my recommendation would be to buy a USB-to-RJ45 adapter to fix - hopefully the limited kernel that comes with the minimal CD will recognise this adapter. Should be very cheap to buy on ebay - just search for "usb to rj45" on you local ebay site...

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