Ubuntu – How to backup and restore Firefox bookmarks from command line

backupbookmarkscommand linefirefox

Is there an easy way to backup Firefox bookmarks to a file with command line. Running a find command, I managed to find this file: /.mozilla/firefox/9a5j5dbb.default/bookmarkbackups/bookmarks-2013-05-22.json which appears to have my latest data. However, I dont know if the folder under Firefox (currently 9a5j5dbb.default) will keep changing, and I'm pretty sure the date will.

Rather than a more advanced shell script to dynamically calculate the path based on today's date and looking for the only xxxxx.default folder under ~/.mozilla.

Is there a simpler/more-robust way to save/copy your current Firefox bookmarks to a specified file?

Best Answer

Well since there is only one .default in that folder you could use a wildcard like this:


sudo cp -fr /Path/to/Source/Folder/*.default /Path/to/Destination/Folder