Your problem seems to be about the permissions you have set. FAT / FAT32 formatted drives don't support file permissions. The permissions for everything are determined by how the drive is mounted. When you set the permission open it worked when you
server# sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /home/storage -o umask=000
As for it not auto mounting on reboot
UUID=8C52-C1CD /home/storage auto user,umask=000,utf8, -->noauto<-- 0 0
The "noauto" makes this NOT automatically mount when the system starts and parses the /etc/fstab file. Remove that option and it will mount on startup. You can set the permissions on the mount point once it's mounted with chmod
or specify them in /etc/fstab.
If you need the media user to access it, you can set the permissions to 764, and add them to the security group. Root always has access to everything.
see for some examples of propper file permissions
On a side note, bodhi.zazen made a good point
Is there some reason you need to use FAT ? If not, I would back up the data and use a linux native file system. You can then set ownership and permissions.
In the man fstab
page we find the noauto
The fourth field (fs_mntops).
This field describes the mount options associated with the
It is formatted as a comma-separated list of options. It con‐
tains at least the type of mount (ro or rw), plus any additional
options appropriate to the filesystem type (including perfor‐
mance-tuning options). For details, see mount(8) or swapon(8).
Basic filesystem-independent options are:
use default options: rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser,
and async.
noauto do not mount when "mount -a" is given (e.g., at boot
user allow a user to mount
owner allow device owner to mount
or x-<name> for use by fstab-maintaining programs
nofail do not report errors for this device if it does not ex‐
Using sudo blkid
you can easily determine the proper UUIDs to use.
You'll need to create these entries in /etc/fstab...
sudo -H gedit /etc/fstab
UUID=xxxx-xxxx /media/me/ESP vfat ro,noauto,nofail 0 0
UUID=xxxx-xxxx /media/me/DIAGS vfat ro,noauto,nofail 0 0
UUID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /media/me/WINRETOOLS ntfs ro,noauto,nofail 0 0
UUID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /media/me/OS ntfs ro,noauto,nofail 0 0
Update #1:
OP replaced Nautilus file manager with Thunar, and Thunar has a separate option to mount external drives. Disable that, and this all works as expected. Not a standard configuration.
Best Answer
Open the terminal using:
Menu: Applications menu -> Accessories -> Terminal.
Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + T
And type the following:
The output should be similar to:
My flash drive is located at /dev/sdb1 (yours may vary).
Make the following ajustments:
For NTFS file system:
You should edit the
file. Type the following in terminal:At the bottom of the fstab file paste the following:
For FAT 16/32 file system run the following in terminal:
Note: You should create the mount point, in terminal type the following:
Related Reading:
Mount/USB - Community Ubuntu Documentation
Fstab - Community Ubuntu Documentation