Ubuntu – How to apply patch to Ableton 9 Live Suite (.auz file)


I'm just getting started with Ubuntu here, so please bear with me 🙂
I installed Ableton 9 Live Suite using PlayOnLinux, and I cannot apply the patch. The patch maker I downloaded generates a .auz file and I haven't been able to apply nor dragging it to Ableton nor through Terminal.

This is what I've tried:

  • Dragging the file: it rejects it saying the authorization file is not valid on this computer (or system, I'm not sure what term it uses, I'm running this in Spanish).
    I've tried running Ableton using Wine and not through PlayOnLinux, but no go.

  • Terminal:

    wine ableton 9 live suite.exe "c:\programdata\ableton\live 9 suite\program\authorize.auz"

    The ableton exe file is located in:

    .PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/AbletonLive9/drive_c/users/Public/Application Data/Ableton/Live 9 Suite/Program

    and the reply I get is:

    wine: cannot find L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ableton.exe

Best Answer

The only working way is to use PlayOnLinux.

Install Ableton (in win7 mode via configure wine). You can open it in trial mode to download the factory pack. close it.

Now install a non listed application in PlayOnLinux select the ableton 9 drive location and launch the patch.

Patch the ableton exe (it will ask for the file location) and explore the ~/PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/AbletonLive9/drive_c/ProgramData/Ableton/Live 9 Suite/Program/ directory to find the .auz file (keep this folder opened)

Open ableton from PlayOnLinux, drag and drop the auz file and wait.

Ableton will register normally.

Beware of update preferences in ableton. By default it's set to auto update. Untick the automatic update will help.

You must create a folder in your abletonlive9 drive C to export your projects or ableton will crash when saving a project.

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