SSH GnuPG Keyrings – Adjust Default Passphrase Caching Duration for GPG/PGP/SSH Keys


As far as I know, gnome-keyring-daemon caches passphrases for keys by default until I log out. I would like to set the default to something like "cache for 10 minutes". How can I do that in Ubuntu 12.04 Precise?

Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

  • Lauch dconf-editor.
  • Navigate to desktop - gnome - crypto - cache.
  • change gpg-cache-method to idle or timeout.
  • change gpg-cache-ttl to the number of seconds you want the passphrase to be cached.
  • Restart the gnome-keyring daemon $ gnome-keyring-daemon -r

idle means that the timer is reset each time you use the key before timeout is reached. timeout means that simply the time elapsed since entering the passphrase is considered.

This only works for GPG-keys. Passphrases for SSH-keys are still cached until the end of the session. IMHO this is a bug.