Ubuntu – How to add text to an animated .gif in gimp


I have just worked out how to create an animated.gif in gimp but I am having a problem adding text.

When I create/add the text box and then save my.gif and view it, the text only flashes up over one frame/layer.

How do I make the text last over the entire duration of the animated.gif?

If you could explain in very simple terms, with the easiest solution, that would be wonderful as I am quite new to all this and very unsure of what I am doing!

Thank you for any help you can give.

Best Answer

So, to make an Animated Gif you have to make layers and give them duration with renaming them and adding seconds like this : Layer 1(100s)

Are you sure you've added the Text to all layers already? I mean when you add a text, that will be on a single layer and you should Merge it with Layers like this :

1.You add text. Step One 2.Right click on text's layer ~> Merge Down so it merges Text Layer with the layer that's at bottom of this.

3.Now you have one layer with text. enter image description here

You should Merge your text with all layers to have it for the whole duration.

Also, for Script-fu Effects similar to outerglow, you should do this too, or to do this easier, when you're making effect, check up "Merge With Layer" and it's done!

Hope it helps.

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