Ubuntu – How to add a repository from behind a proxy

add-apt-repositorycommand linegnupgPROXY

I've a problem at the office. We're behind a proxy (which is set and applied at ubuntu proxy settings) and when I try to add a repository from terminal, I get:

Error reading –some url here–: urlopen error [Errno 113] No route to host

I've tried with

  • Launchpad-getkeys script. I get this (image)

enter image description here

  • I've tried with another "hack", without luck

    1. Press Alt-F2 and type gksu gedit /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/softwareproperties/ppa.py
    2. Find line 88, change keyserver.ubuntu.com to hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80
    3. Save, close and reboot.

Does anyone know if I could solve this problem in any way? Thanks

Best Answer

Your issue is described on this following bug report, It seems that the proper fix is described at commment #11:

  1. Set the variable https_proxy to your proxy
  2. Edit /etc/sudoers or the correct file in /etc/sudoers.d/ so it contains:

    Defaults env_keep = https_proxy