GRUB2 – How to Add a Command Permanently to GRUB2


I have a fairly special setup, using Linux on a MacBook Laptop.

to switch off my secondary graphics card in it I'm required to add these lines to my grub

outb 0x728 1
outb 0x710 2
outb 0x740 2
outb 0x750 0

I do this by pressing 'e' for my selected grub menu option and adding the lines one by one . then finally booting . But as we know it's not permanent.

I cant really figure out where i need to add it for grub to always append it to my Linux boot options.

It's doesn't seem to belong in /etc/default/grub
since here i can add stuff to the kernel boot line

Honestly i'm afraid to fiddle to much with grub on my computer since getting it to triple boot Linux/Mac/Windows was a very delicate and timely matter.

Does anyone have any idea of where to add it?

Best Answer

If you add this code to /boot/grub/custom.cfg (creating the file if it doesn't already exist) then it will be executed just before the grub menu is displayed.

I don't know what exactly those outb commands are doing so I have no idea if it is safe to run them at all, or if running them will interfere with display of the grub menu, so do this at your own risk.

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