Ubuntu – How to access Ubuntu ~ and . folder


I have read many Questions and Answers here. In some of them there are directories that I cannot find on my computer, for example:


What is ~, what is folder start with ., and how I can access these folders?

Best Answer

~ is a special shell replacement. It's replaced with your home directory (typically /home/$USER but not neccessarily). It's a shortcut we use because it's nice and short and it's impossible to know everybody's $HOME.

Files and directories prepended with a dot are hidden. In Windows it's a boolean setting on files, in Unix it's based on the filename. You can still access them though:

  • In Ubuntu's default file browser you can:
    • Toggle the display of hidden files
    • Use the address bar to manually go to the path (Control + L to toggle raw address mode).
    • Use a run dialogue (Alt+F2) to run nautilus <full path>
  • In a terminal you can cd directly to the path.
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