Ubuntu – How to access the Ubuntu phone over ssh


Whenever I try to run apt-get install openssh-server I get the following errors:

root@ubuntu-phablet:/home/hablet# apt-get install openssh-server
W: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock
E: Unable to write to /var/cache/apt
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.

Best Answer

With the official final release Ubuntu for Phones ships the "android-gadget-service" tool with which you can manage adb, mtp, USB tethering and ssh.

Connect your device via USB, enable Developer Mode in:

"System-Settings->About This Phone->Developer Mode"

...and run (from your PC, make sure to have the phone screen unlocked, else adb will refuse to let you in):

adb shell android-gadget-service enable ssh

Copy your public key to the Phone:

adb shell mkdir /home/phablet/.ssh
adb push ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub /home/phablet/.ssh/authorized_keys
adb shell chown -R phablet.phablet /home/phablet/.ssh
adb shell chmod 700 /home/phablet/.ssh
adb shell chmod 600 /home/phablet/.ssh/authorized_keys

Now you can look up your IP on the phone and use ssh to connect:

adb shell ip addr show wlan0|grep inet
ssh phablet@<IP from above command>