Ubuntu – How to access a console TTY on a MacBook

macbook protty

I've got a MacBook that I was finally able to get Ubuntu running on and then I upgraded to 17.10 and it choked again. It's booting to a login screen, but when I log in I get a black screen.

I'd like to hop over to TTY 2 and log in at a terminal prompt but crtloptF2 or crtloptF5 doesn't do anything. I read somewhere that I have to hit fn first, but that also has no effect.

Reading How do I switch between console mode and GUI in 17.10 and newer? clued me into part of my problem: TTY1 and TTY2 are spoken for in 17.10. But I'm still not clear on the keyboard sequence to shift between TTYs.

How do I get to a console TTY on a MacBook Pro keyboard?

Best Answer

Seems like I needed Fn Ctrl-Opt-F3

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