Ubuntu – How start ubuntu from a bootable USB stick


I made a bootable USB stick and I made sure to follow the guide lines. As far as I can tell nothing went wrong when creating the USB stick but somehow I can't find out how to boot ubuntu from the stick. I tried restarting my laptop as guide lines suggest but it only starts Windows again. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Best Answer

It looks like something not set correctly in BIOS. So first go to the BIOS (look which Fxx key is the "BIOS-entry" key on your model of computer) and look around. There may be Allow USB boot option somewhere. If there is -> enable it. Than search for Boot order menu. You should set the "boot from USB" before "boot from HD". Make sure that you have the bootable USB pluged in before entering to BIOS. My machine for example, didn't give me "boot from USB" option if there was no bootable USB plugged in. If you see somewhere Fast boot option (or similar) -> disable it. You can also set the BIOS to Legacy mode.

Hope you get it working!

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