Ubuntu – How long does it take to complete the review stages in Ubuntu


When we submit an application to the Ubuntu Software Center, how long does it take to complete the review stages? Namely,

  • Pending Review
  • In Review

How long (average or based on your experience) does it take to complete each of these two stages?

And does the duration of reviewing change by type of application submitted (for Python, Java, etc)? Or is it all the same?


More details about my app:

  • Its a commercial app (I put $2.99 as the price when submitting)
  • Its a Kakuro game (but the name is "Sukaro")
  • It is made in Java SE without using any external libraries
  • Its not platform-specific (as Java is platform-independent)
  • I submitted it without packaging (as I don't know how). I submitted the single .jar file
  • I provided all the required information (such as screenshots, etc)

Best Answer

There are two "queues" ARB and "commercial/paid". For both the review pending stage takes the longest. This is where the submission is made into a package. If you submitted debian package source (the output of dpkg-buildpackage -S) then this stage will take a very short time. If you didn't follow instructions and submitted a binary deb the process takes MUCH longer as we have to deconstruct and subsequently reconstruct the .deb. If you submit a simple tarball, the packaging process is completely dependent on the complexity of the package.

The stages post review pending are quick. Once the app is packaged it goes to QA and once through QA (usually 24/36 hours max) then back to the developer to be listed.

I hope that helps...