Ubuntu – How is sudo safer than directly using su if the user is granted access to all commands

administratorcommand lineSecuritysudo

So I've been reading into the differences between using su and sudo, and everyone seems to be in agreement that the sudo approach is safer than allowing access to the root account itself. They say that with the root account you could break your entire system with just a single command. This I understand. BUT the initial user created on the system also has access to all commands using sudo. This I can find out by running su -l. If this is the case, then I can simply run sudo <game-ending command> to ruin my system. So how is this approach better or safer then allowing me direct access to the super user account? I can run all of the same commands…

Is it because using sudo on the command line I am explicitly telling the computer I think I know what I am doing? Do they think people will forget they are under the super user account unless they explicitly say so?

People also state that if the system were compromised and entered by someone foreign, being under the root account would allow them to do terrible things to my system. But it seems to me if they already have access to my account, and know my password, they can do these same terrible things by using sudo and entering my password since they don't even need to know the super user's password. What am I not getting here?

Best Answer

Personally I do not necessarily consider it safer and most of the benefits (of sudo) are on a multi user system. On a single user system it probably is a wash.

The benefits are (in no particular order):

  • sudo has superior logging. sudo logs each command.
  • sudo allows finer grain control. One can configure sudo to give root access to some but not all commands.
  • sudo uses the login password. This protects having to give the root password (as you would with su) and is related to the point above regarding finer grained control / access to root.
  • In Ubuntu, by default, the root account is locked. This deters crackers as to log in (remote via say ssh) they have to guess both a user name and a password. If the root account is not locked, as is the case with su, then they only need to crack root's password.
  • sudo -i is probably the best method to isolate root's environmental variables from your user. This comes up from time to time but is moderately esoteric. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Special_notes_on_sudo_and_shells
  • some people feel that having to type sudo before every command they wish to run as root or having sudo time out allows them to stop and think more clearly and reduces their errors or running erroneous commands. If doing so helps you that would be a benefit as well.

There are probably more benefits , but, those are the major ones, IMHO.

See also - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo

To try to answer some of your other thoughts:

  • There is nothing about either su or sudo that prevents you running malicious code as long as you know the password. Neither is safer or better.
  • Crackers can obtain shell access via a number of methods. When you see "run arbitrary code" in a security notice - https://usn.ubuntu.com/usn/ - that means a cracker can run /bin/bash or any other code. Thus a cracker, via various exploits, can obtain shell access without knowing your login name or password. Neither sudo or su helps with this.
  • If a cracker has shell access they can do a lot of damage without root access. For example the ransomware that encrypts all your personal data.
  • If a cracker has shell access to an account with root access, via either su or sudo, the cracker can obtain root access via a number of methods beyond the scope of this discussion. Neither sudo or su is superior in this respect either.

So while you have observed problems or flaws with sudo, su has the exact same vulnerabilities and su is not superior to sudo in those aspects, IMHO

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