Ubuntu – How is one supposed to stop Chromium processes


After I close the Chromium GUI many chromium-browser processes continue running indefinitely. It seems like it's running a daemon that keeps processes around so they can be reused.

Checking the manual and help pages for the chromium-browser command only lists a small number of 'stable' options, none of which seem to have anything to do with ending child processes.

If I kill them I get a load of notice dialogues in the bottom-right of the screen complaining that various extensions have "crashed".

Is there a proper, less-aggressive way to terminate Chromium processes?

Best Answer

I had the same problem. Turns out this is a feature of chromium/chrome where it leaves processes running for extensions. To turn off go to Settings-->Show Advanced Settings-->Background Apps and uncheck the "Continue running background apps when Chromium is closed" option. Reference: https://superuser.com/questions/269385/why-does-google-chrome-leave-running-processes-behind-even-after-closing-the-bro