Ubuntu – How does Unity’s dash index and search work


What kind of items and which attributes are indexed? E. g. desktop/launchers, documents; what metadata?

Where's the index stored? sqlite, couchdb, …?

Which query language is used; what's the query like? How are results ranked/ordered? I'd like to see an example query.

Best Answer

Unity makes use of Zeitgeist in its dash where it provides the user with easy access to its most and recently used data (files/folders/applications) as well as searching over the Zeitgeist FTS (Full Text Search) extension.

There is more development going on to bring the same features to a contacts dash where the user can browse his contacts by most/recently used. enter image description here

From the Zeitgeist website:

This page also explains the activity journal (you need to install this yourself) where you can find the answer to how results ranked/ordered and more.

So it uses metadata.

The 2nd part of your question is answered from another page from that site: Which technologies does Zeitgeist use?

  1. Python
  2. DBus
  3. SQLite.