Ubuntu – How does an appimage persist settings between launches


By popular request, I'm asking how do AppImages, which are read-only and stay compressed, store their settings.

Best Answer

From the AppImageKit README:

Special directories

Normally the application contained inside an AppImage will store its configuration files wherever it normally stores them (most frequently somewhere inside $HOME). If you invoke an AppImage built with a recent version of AppImageKit and have one of these special directories in place, then the configuration files will be stored alongside the AppImage. This can be useful for portable use cases, e.g., carrying an AppImage on a USB stick, along with its data.

  • If there is a directory with the same name as the AppImage plus .home, then $HOME will automatically be set to it before executing the payload application
  • If there is a directory with the same name as the AppImage plus .config, then $XDG_CONFIG_HOME will automatically be set to it before executing the payload application