Ubuntu – How to ubiquity be forced not to install grub


My HDD partitions:

  • esp –> sda1
  • archlinux –> sda2
  • swap –> sda3
  • sda4 –> would be a place for ubuntu

I'm going to install ubuntu on sda4; currently my boot process is controlled by systemd-boot which is installed in archlinux via bootctl software. It's fine and I'd like to keep it.

By installing Ubuntu it will try to install grub on sda or sdaX. Look at the dropdown menu at this screenshot:

enter image description here

I want to install Ubuntu on sda4 without dealing with grub. Then I will point to Ubuntu vmlinuz file and initrd file by creating a new entry file in archlinux under systemd-boot configuration system.

Best Answer

sudo ubiquity -b

Just installed 16.10 by directly booting ISO on sda with grub's loopmount. Once in installer went into terminal and used above command. Something Else install seemed normal. Did not notice until I had clicked thru, but pretty sure combo box for where to install grub was missing. And during install process it normally says installing grub, but that never showed.

Normally an install to sdb or any second install overwrite my /EFI/ubuntu folder with my main install's boot. This time I was able to just boot back into my main install

And running sudo update-grub still found the new install even though grub "not installed". Noted no grub.cfg in /boot/grub either.