Ubuntu – How can launchers be added to and removed from the Unity dash


Scenario #1: Manually removing launchers

I installed a few games from the recent Humble Indie Bundle and removed them today.

The games which were installed using a deb were successfully uninstalled and removed from the dash, however, the games that I installed using the .run format are still in my menu and dash even after uninstalling them… how do I remove those items?

Scenario #2: Adding custom launchers

I have created Wine shortcuts to card games on my Windows partition. I added these launchers in alacarte (Menu Editor) and they worked fine in Classic Gnome, however they are not appearing in the Games section of the Unity dash. Is it possible to add launchers for these games to the dash, or do I have to add the launchers to the desktop?

Best Answer

Don't know about scenario 1, haven't any HIB games, - I'd look thru any of the possible places - /usr/local/share;` ~/.local/share; /opt/

As far as 2 - try opening the .desktop you created in a text editor (your launcher is just a .desktop), & add a Categories= line

Something like this should suffice -


Typically game .desktops use this but the above should be ok


A log out/in should show in Dash filter > games, if not then re-open the launcher in your text editor & try adding a %U to end of the Exec= line leaving a space after what's currently there. (shouldn't be needed in these cases

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