Ubuntu – How can i run tor through chrome on linux


I need to use Tor with Chrome but all the tutorials are for windows, the only one for Ubuntu involve having the vidalia manager but the tor bundles i download dind't come with it.Does anyone know how to do this?

Best Answer

It is not impossible to configure chrome to use Tor. You can do this by, for eg:

google-chrome --proxy-server=";https=;socks=;sock4=;sock5=,ftp=" --incognito check.torproject.org

or by other methods as described here.

Note that this is highly discouraged, because using any browser besides Tor Browser with Tor is not going to give you the protection you needed. The Tor Project advises against this because their discussions with Chrome team to add missing APIs, mainly - Web Request, Content Scripts, and the Proxy APIs - that would be useful for privacy enhancing extensions, were unsuccessful. There are also several bugs that should be dealt with before even a low-grade privacy-by-design can be provided through Tor in Chrome's Incognito mode.

So, in short,as said in the FAQ :

Currently, it is impossible to use other browsers and get the same level of protections as when using the Tor Browser.