Ubuntu – Hissing sound in headphones


Today I tried Ubuntu on my laptop Asus n550jx 64 bit version. Everything works fine except there is constant static/ hissing in headphones (in laptop speaker too, but its too silent to be heard). It uses intel 4th generation sound drivers or something liek that, on windows realtek hd drivers. Also hissing is constant – it doesn't stop if there is no music playing or something like, pop only happens when Ubuntu boots. Hissing doesn't become louder if there max volume, it happens even if there is speaker on mute( sound of hissing changes thought).

What have tried:

  • Mute built in microphone- no effect
  • Check playback settings with alsamixer. There was something loopback which turned off made hissing quieter, but its still annoying
  • Checked sound card power saving which was turned off

So its something like that…

Oh and there is no hissing on windows 10.

Best Answer

The following solved it for my ux501VW laptop

sudo apt-get install alsa-tools-gui
sudo hdajackretask
  1. Select both Show unconnected pins and Advanced override in the Options
  2. Override Pin ID 0x16 Changing Device to: headphones
  3. Click the Install boot override button
  4. Reboot
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