Ubuntu – Hide title bar in Gnome 3.12


I have Ubuntu 14.04 and Gnome 3.12 (using a dark theme) and in some applications I have now a big, white title bar.

How can I remove title bar of an application? In gnome 3.10 I used gnome-shell-extension pixel saver but now this extensions is outdated.

enter image description here

Best Answer

I solved this by using Maximus.

For newer versions of gnome (> 3.8) you may need to edit metadata.json to match this pull request and manually install the extension. Instructions lifted from maximus homepage with a few edits:

hg clone ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/mathematicalcoffee/maximus-gnome-shell-extension
hg up gnome3.4 # or `stable` if on GNOME 3.2
cd maximus-gnome-shell-extension
# NOW OPEN AND EDIT THE OUTDATED metadata.json FILE. See link above.
cp -r maximus@mathematical.coffee.gmail.com ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions
# enable maximus if you haven't already:
gnome-shell-extension-tool -e maximus@mathematical.coffee.gmail.com
Restart gnome-shell.