Ubuntu – Hide “history -d” in bash history

bashbash-historycommand line

If I accidentally type my password or anything else sensitive in bash I can easily remove that line with history -d ROW#, but I'm always left with the history -d ROW# command in history showing everyone that someone corrected a mistake.

Can I append something to a command to prevent it from appearing in bash history?

Best Answer

To not save a single command in your history just precede it with a space (marked with here):

$ echo test
$ history | tail -n2
 3431  echo test
 3432  history | tail -n2
$ echo test2
$ history | tail -n2
 3431  echo test
 3432  history | tail -n2

This behaviour is set in your ~/.bashrc file, namely in this line:


man bash says:

A colon-separated list of values controlling how commands are saved on the history list. If the list of values includes ignorespace, lines which begin with a space character are not saved in the history list. A value of ignoredups causes lines matching the previous history entry to not be saved. A value of ignoreboth is shorthand for ignorespace and ignoredups.

ignoredups by the way is the reason why history | tail -n2 appears only once in the history in the above test.

A terminal's history is saved in the RAM and flushed to your ~/.bash_history as soon as you close the terminal. If you want to delete a specific entry from your ~/.bash_history you can do so with sed:

                                   # print every line…
sed '/^exit$/!d' .bash_history     # … which is just “exit”
sed '/^history/!d' .bash_history   # … beginning with “history”
sed '/>>log$/!d' .bash_history     # … ending with “>>log”
sed '\_/path/_!d' .bash_history    # … containing “/path/” anywhere

In the last one I changed the default delimiter / to _ as it's used inside the search term, in fact this is equal to sed -i '/\/path\//d' .bash_history. If the command outputs only the lines you want to delete add the -i option and change !d to d to perform the deletion:

                                   # delete every line…
sed -i '/^exit$/d' .bash_history   # … which is just “exit”
sed -i '/^history/d' .bash_history # … beginning with “history”
sed -i '/>>log$/d' .bash_history   # … ending with “>>log”
sed -i '\_/path/_d' .bash_history  # … containing “/path/” anywhere