Ubuntu – Hesitant as to whether to preceed with dual boot installation


I have a msi-gaming laptop with Windows 10 installed.

I wanted to install Ubuntu 16.04 as dual-boot alongside my current windows 10. There were a few obstacles:

  1. there was a blank-purple screen: to solve it I set nomodeset and it went on…
  2. there was no option "install Ubuntu alongside windows 10", I chose "something else" following the suggestions from this site…
  3. it directed me to partition the disks. There was no "windows loader" in the box, but only some values such as:

     free space 1 MB;
     /dev/sda1/ntfs with the 528345 MB 87947 MB used;
     /dev/sda2/ntfs with the 429495 MB 150 MB used;
     free space 1 MB;
     /dev/sda3 with the 21474 MB unknown;
     free space 0 MB;
     /dev/sda4 ntfs with the 20885 20100 MB used;
     free space 0 MB.

    Before all I had already partitioned two disk spaces (30GB and 400GB) in Windows using disk partitioning…

  4. Then I deleted these two:

    • /dev/sda4 ntfs with the 20885 20100 MB used
    • /dev/sda3 with the 21474 MB unknown; to free some space for SWAP, root and boot and home (Mount point).

    I assigned appropriate sizes for respective mount points, again followed advice from Ask Ubuntu here. They are as follows:

    /dev/sda3 swap 2047 MB unknown;
    /dev/sda4 ext4 /home 10240 MB unknown;
    /dev/sda5 ext4 / 20479 MB unknown;
    /dev/sda6 biosgrub 5 MB  unknown;

enter image description here

And finally, the most dangerous part for me:

After clicking install now button, there is a window asking Write the changes to disks?


Will I lose my windows system data and system itself if I click continue? If yes, what are the other ways to safely install Ubuntu 16.04 with Windows 10?

Best Answer

The screenshot looks OK. You can proceed. The Windows partitions should not be affected. You chose not to format them.

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