11.10 Unity Window-Manager Conky – Help with Compiz Window Borders


I tried to make a small change in my Compiz settings, and set off a whole chain of chaos.

I don't like the application switcher that I had, that switched between whole applications on Alt-tab rather than individual windows. I'm not totally sure whether that was Unity or not, but I used to have one that I really liked, back in Gnome 11.04: I'd hit alt-tab and I could see all my open active windows, alt-tab through them or pick one with the mouse. I keep mucking with my Compiz settings trying to get that back.

I haven't managed to find it but I did manage to do something to hide or kill all my window borders. I've got windows with no borders, and no way to get minimize/maximize/close buttons. How do I get the borders back?

I think that I did the following:

  • enable application switcher and try to resolve the conflicts in "alt-tab" and "alt-shift-tab" in favor of the application switcher (they were in conflict with the unity plugin)
  • Change the reveal mode to "bottom" from "left" — this caused a conflict with Desktop Wall. I tried to resolve the conflict and was left with Desktop Wall disabled completely.

  • I've tried turning "unity grab handles" on and off. Neither seems to have an impact.

(PS. I tried running unity --replace. Didn't help. Is there a way to dump my compiz settings so someone can look at them?)

Best Answer

I used the window decoration plugin to restore window borders and minimize/maximize/close buttons.