12.04 Gnome – Why Gnome 3 Reverted to Classic Look


Not sure where to start with this one.

I've installed Gnome 3 by running sudo apt-get install gnome on my netbook, it all installed fine and ran fine didn't have any issues with it for a few weeks, then I turned on my netbook and logged in to be given the look and feel of Gnome 2.

I've cropped down the desktop in the image below.

Gnome 3 Desktop

Edit: Pastebinit as requested by izx



sudo lshw

Best Answer

Let's try the simple way to fix it first, because that looks like the Gnome3 Classic look (which is, yes, very similar to Gnome2)

  1. Open a terminal, and type/paste:

     sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get --reinstall install gnome-shell
  2. Logout

  3. Click on the Ubuntu logo:

    enter image description here

  4. Select the Gnome session, and click back:

    enter image description here

  5. Login and see if you still get the Gnome2 look-and-feel.