Ubuntu – GUI DPI scaling on certain apps very small


I recently installed STEAM and webcamstudio on my UBUNTU machine which is running a resolution of 1920 x 1080. I have found that these applications do not honor the system-wide font sizes, but use instead a different DPI which makes reading the menus very difficult as the text is very small.

Is there a way that I can change the settings so that the GUI font of these apps are not microscopic at this resolution?

Best Answer

Currently steam hardcoded the font size on linux.

The only way I found to increase the font size is to use a HiDPI skin


  1. Open terminal
  2. cd to your steam skin directory (see note)
  3. Clone the repo(you must have git installed sudo apt-get install git)

    git clone https://github.com/MoriTanosuke/HiDPI-Steam-Skin.git

Then open Steam and go to Settings->Interface. Choose the new skin "HiDPI-Steam-Skin"

NOTE: The exact path to the skins might be different depending on your installation.

It might be located at ~/.steam/skins/ or ~/.local/share/Steam/skins/.