Ubuntu – GUI applications and chroot


I have followed all of the instructions on this page to try and get a graphical program running from inside a chrooted environment


The only difference is that I substituted xenial for trusty.

The installation went fine and no complaints in the terminal at issuing any of the commands.

However, when I get to the part where is says I can run firefox in a chrooted environment with this command:

gksudo chroot /var/chroot firefox -DISPLAY=:0.0

the firefox window does not come up. A window comes up asking for my administrative password, which I enter, and then nothing, it just exits to a command prompt with no messages.

I'm hoping there is a simple answer to this, thanks for any help

Best Answer

I installed firefox inside the chroot and it ran from inside the chroot. Then I ran the command from outside the chroot like in the article and it ran from outside the chroot. I think they may have omitted a step in the instructions.

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