Ubuntu – gtk3 theme not working


the theme I'm trying to install has three folders:
metacity, gtk2 and gtk3
if i activate it using gnome-tweak-tool it wont work everything looks extremely ugly, not the way it's supposed to be transparent, some colors don't even change
if i remove gtk2 folder, theme wont show up in gnome-tweak-tool at all

(i had this problem ever since 11.04, also on 11.10, i hoped it would be fixed in 12.04 but same result here, with 'every theme')

link to theme http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Black-n-White-GTK?content=149636

what it looks like:
what it should look like:

Best Answer

the problem is that gnome 3.4 totally changed the way themes are written, which means, gtk3.2 themes (including this one) wont work on gnome3.4
one way is to downgrade to gnome3.2 from 3.4

there are 'a few' (very few) themes ported to gnome 3.4
and as far as i know theme developers are not so happy about this too, i guess, talked to some of them, they aren't happy!