Kubuntu – Fixing Bad Look of GTK+ in Kubuntu Apps


I have installed Evolution email client on Kubuntu 11.10 and it's not so cute as expected.

enter image description here

Eclipse also looks bad. I have the GTK+ Appearance plugin in KDE System Settings and already tried QTCurve and Oxygen option, no help. When the GTK+ skin was working, this appearance still showed when I ran an application as root.


sudo apt-get install oxygen-molecule gtk2-engines-oxygen

There is a problem with KDE/GTK relation. How can I solve it?

Best Answer

Make sure you have the following packages installed (they should have been installed by kubuntu-desktop, but may have gotten missed):

sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-oxygen kde-config-gtk

Then go to the KDE Control centre and make sure that the checkbox for using KDE themes in GTK apps is checked.