Ubuntu – gsettings: command not found


I am trying to create a script, which will change the wallpaper automatically when run.


cd ~/
rm -r ~/.wallpaper
mkdir .wallpaper
cd ~/.wallpaper

wget https://source.unsplash.com/random/1920x1080
echo $PATH
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri "$PATH"

But when i do ./change_wallpaper.sh I get the echo correctly, but then

./change_wallpaper.sh: line 12: gsettings: command not found

However, when I run the same command from terminal, it executes fine and wallpaper is getting changed.

When I run whereis gsettings it tells

gsettings: /usr/bin/gsettings /usr/share/man/man1/gsettings.1.gz

Why is it showing gsettings: command not found when I execute from script?

Best Answer

Because you change the PATH in your script. This reserved variable is used to locate executable files. Use another variable.

Same with USER: it is reserved as well and already contains the current user, i.e. you do not need to set USER=$(whoami).

In general, when creating variables in shell scripts it is a good idea to use lowercase names. Usually, predefined variables (like HOME, USER, PATH) are all UPPERCASE and a simple way to avoid overwriting them is to use lowercase names in own scripts. Or use some prefix, e.g. MY_PATH, MY_USER etc.

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