Ubuntu – grub broken and wont boot

dual-bootgrub2grubrescuewindows 7

i had ubuntu 12.10 running allongside with windows 7 (dual boot, 1 hdd). when installing ubuntu i accidentally gave it too much room. so i decided that i would remove it and reinstall it but this time on a 100gb partition instead of a 300. so in windows i removed the ubuntu partition and extended my win7 partition back to 913 then i hibernated windows to see if it worked… as it turns out grub is still here and now when i boot it says "no such partition" and im in a grub recovery console… any idea how to get back into windows? PLEASE i need it!

EDIT I need to fix this ASAP. PLEASE. my windows 7 is hibernated and i cant partition my hdd to install ubuntu again to fix this. I NEED HELP. is there a command i can type inside of the grub recovery console just to boot to win 7?

Best Answer

You deleted the Ubuntu partition, in turn deleting /boot which is where GRUB lives. The simple way is to reinstall Ubuntu and all shall be peaceful...