Ubuntu – Grab Handles by Three-Finger Tap not working after upgrade to 12.04


I recently upgrade my Ubuntu installation from 11.10 to 12.04.

Before the upgrade I was able to use three-finger tapping to bring up the grab-handles. Unfortunately, after the upgrade, that functionality is broken, since I cannot use the three-finger tap anymore.

Because the touchpad settings in ubuntu are somewhat limited, I don't really know what to do right now.

I hope someone can help me with that. I'll be glad to provide more info if needed.

Edit: The issue is not the gesture, but the binding of grab handles.

In CCSM, I cannot assign the middle-click to the grab-handle toggle.

Best Answer

This is not a real answer but a workaround. Here is what i did:

  • reenable middle-click with synaptiks from software center
  • assign a keyboard-shortcut to grab handles with ccsm

Kind of disappointing though, since it worked out of the box on 11.10

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